This past Saturday was the second race in the Rock Creek Trail series put on by Great Plains Running Company. There was a 5 and 10 mile distance to choose from and with this being my first race back since my injury, I wanted to see how I felt for the 10 miler. The training had been going well up to this point (with the exception of the calf strain) and I was anxious to push it a little. Well, I ended up not running a smart race because as usual, I went out too hard and blew up halfway through. Early on, there were a few hills that I pushed too hard on causing my heartrate to shoot up and that didn't allow me to hold a pace for very long. I started off doing a 7:25 pace and finished up at about a 9 min mile pace for a fairly hilly course. :-(

Later that Saturday after the race, Allison and I went to see the KC Symphony Orchestra play Brahms' Piano Concerto #2 and other pieces. I love going to the symphony for several reasons. The rich sound, the synchronicity of the bows with the string instruments, the antics of the conductor, and the complexity of sounds from the instruments. Sometimes I get fixated on the violins (my favorite) and when they hold out a note, it's interesting how another instrument will be carrying on in the piece and it's sound will rise up in the background just as the strings are fading off. For some reason, I just like that. It's also fun to see the intensity of some of the musicians in their styles of playing.

On another note, the bid we put in for the house in Denver got accepted and we'll be closing around the end of August. This means we'll be moving from KC to Denver around the first of Sept. New baby on the way, new house, new city, new scenery... big changes coming up! Life is good. What a ride!
Sounds like you have some big changes coming! Congrads!
I mentioned to Lucy recently you were looking at a job in NC and I would have a KC Trail Nerd close by. Too bad..but now I have one in Denver...
...so I'll let you know when I'm visiting!
Ben you probably have no clue who I am but we went to school together. My name is Tracy. I was Tracy Hartsfield. I dated Steven Gough for like 4 years I believe you and he were friends. I know you were one of the first people to talk to me when I moved to Pace. I had such a huge crush on you. Anyways, I am happily married now with three boys and just wanted to say Hi!! I love the outdoors also and I love all the stuff you do. I have been over weight since my last son but am working hard to be back to my old way. It has been 7 years and I worry sometimes cause the TV is a big addiction for me but I have tried my hardest not to lately. Anyways, I found you on Myspace I have asked to be your friend hope that is okay. Congrats on the new babay and house etc... Life is Exciting!!!
Well dude I'm not going to tell you I had a crush on you or anything but I am going to say that all of us Trail Nerds and Nerd wannabees will miss you guys very much. Denver will be freakin sweet though a lot of good trails to access around there how could you go wrong.
Please do not start wearing a bunch of Broncos crap.
I agree with Gabe in regards to the Broncos regalia....I will miss you guys, but I know I'll be able to visit you in Denver. Mountains, anyone?
Hey Ben! I wanted to check in on Alison and the baby! I haven't seen you guys in awhile. Just read you are moving to Denver. We will be sad to see you go!! Can you pass my email address on to Alison...I'd love to hear from a fellow pregnant person!
We're sure going to miss you and Allison. No, I don't have a crush on you, (but I do have a crush on Allison and Winston).
The Broncos are okay, but their colors turn my stomach. I used to live in Denver. There's a lot to do, especially for an active outdoorsman, like yourself.
Cool, now we have a destination point in Denver, too.
Happy trails,
Bad Ben
ABSOLUTELY!!! Any Trail Nerd always has a place to stay while visiting in the Denver area. Just give us a little (couple hours) advanced notice and your room will be ready!
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