My latest injury is due to compensatory changes in my mechanics because of past injuries that I didn't allow to heal completely. My LEFT knee now has been giving me (debilitating) pain about two to three miles into a run. The pain has been so bad (and progressively getting worse) that I've only been able to walk/hobble back to the car to go home and lick my wounds.
The outside (lateral side) of my left knee is where the pain has been and initially I thought I might be developing the very common ITB issues that so many people encounter. Thanks to another MRI, my Dr found that it's actually a tear in my LCL that is causing it. It makes me wonder how many people are so casually (mis?)diagnosed with ITB because the symptoms are so similar.
Prognosis and prescription? Not one, not two, but THREE months off from running and hard biking! :-(

I sympathize with your injury. I am dealing with a nasty shin splint myself in my left leg and trying to heal up enough in time to do the Austin Marathon on February 18. I'll share a story with you that hopefully will lift you up a bit while you heal about an experience I had at the 2000 Boston Marathon, The Greatest Marathoner.
I wish you continued good luck in your recovery.
Sounds somewhat familiar... I had years of lateral knee pain, originally diagnosed as ITB. And maybe it was ITB, but mine morphed to patella femoral syndrome with pain under the knee cap as well as lateral pain.
If you are looking for good news in this, at least the MRI shows something that is causing it. My MRI's never showed the cause, only the symptoms (bone edema).
With 3 months of no running and biking, maybe it's time for some yoga! :-)
I know how going thru injuries effects us runners mentally...been there, done that...I was out 4 years with hip pain...and then another couple with knee problems...I hope your surgery turns out as good as mine did!!!....and...I hope to see you out there running me down again soon!!! Greg Burger
Sorry to hear about your injury. The good news is you know the problem, know what it will take to resolve it, and you will probably come back stronger.
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