Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A new year!

Well, the year 2007 is now upon us much to my chagrin. We hear it all the time, but many of us feel that we're hurtling towards old age at a dizzying speed. As much as I did get accomplished in 2006, I still had other goals that I wanted to get done. Now I feel I'm playing catch up, but am wondering if I just need a re-arranging of priorities or goals. Regarding New Year's resolutions, well.... I just don't do 'em. Even so, the passing of the old, and the ushering in of the new is a great time for reflection and alignment.

This year, I still want to feed my competitiveness, but not at the expense of others. Last year, it feels like I did more for myself (in training, racing, and traveling) than I did for others and that bothers me. Although I still want to do some races and be competitive, I hope to stay focused enough to be able to do so while not neglecting any relationships with my wife, friends, or mankind in general.

This year started off similarly to last year's with a fun, but subdued celebration on New Year's eve, followed by a drive up to Wallace State Park in Cameron, MO to do the Fat Ass 50k. Last year, it was my first 50k and I had some great friends to help me through it. It was an uncomfortable test that I completed a little more easily that I'd thought. This year's attempt was a different story. After the 4th of 5 loops of a 6 mile trail, I cried "UNCLE" and stopped after mile 25 due to a torn right quad muscle. This was the first physical event that I've EVER not been able to complete. Even though there was no fee, t-shirt, or prize for this race, it will still be remembered as my first (and hopefully only?) DNF.

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