Thursday, November 22, 2007


First thing's first. More gratuitous baby pictures are posted HERE.

That being said, after a little cuddle time, I decided that I've had enough of the indoors. A little play time was in order Trail Nerd Style!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cuddle time!

I'm in the process of moving blog entries over to my other blog (The stuph of life) and will be returning this one to running, biking, training, racing, and injury recovery soon.

Although I haven't been a daddy for long, I'm pretty sure this is one of the best things about it. My daughter is turning me into a giant softie (especially around the middle) but I'm loving every minute of it.

Note that the cast is off the left hand now. One surgery scar is visible.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to (easily) move blog entries from one blog over to another. If anyone knows, please clue me in.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

She's home

Yesterday (Wed 14 Nov) we checked out of the hospital and brought our baby girl home after her and mommy both received a clean bill of health. We've had help from my good friend Lee in taking care of things around the house while we get used to some changes. It's been an amazing realization so far because thanks to all of our good friends and family and their generosity, we have everything we need and it's so nice not to have to worry about not having anything to provide for our little one. I think it's really cool when I notice all the different gifts from various friends and family that added up together, complete the necessities that we need to provide. It makes us really appreciate our friends and family who are part of us welcoming Isabella into the world, even if they are not here with us. Here's a short clip of her that I took of her in her room after a feeding.

Thank you all for your compliments and well wishes. We look forward to Isabella getting to meet everyone who is such a big part of our lives.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Daddy's girl

Here's a short little clip of our new girl. She's sleepy because she has a full belly. And because it's exhausting having daddy kissing her all the time.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Meet Miss Isabella Marie Reeves

Our little princess arrived at 1:05 am on Monday morning November the 12th, 2007. Although she was 13 days early, she weighs in at 6 lbs and 15 ounces and is just over 18 inches long.


After taking about10 hours to get dilated, Allison only had to push for about an hour to get Isabella out at 1:05 am on Monday morning! Both Allison and baby are doing fine.


Sunday, November 11, 2007


The contractions are getting closer and more intense. We're starting the epidural in a few minutes. It's currently 8:21 pm Sunday night and Payton Manning has just thrown his fifth interception!!! :-p
Stay tuned...

Here she comes!

So last night/this morning, Allison started having some contractions around 1 am. We're now in the L&D room @ Skyridge Medical Center and they've started a pitocin drip to help speed things along.

More to come later!

Friday, November 02, 2007

healing and dreaming

While the hand continues to heal and physical therapy helps me get it usable again, all I can do for the time being is ponder upcoming parenthood and dream of things like the videos below.

See more videos like this at Mountain Biking at

See more videos like this at Mountain Biking at

As much fun as biking is (especially since I'm in mtb heaven) I'm really looking forward to returning to running the trails. The scenery here is spectacular and it will soon transition from fall to winter running. FUN FUN FUN!!! :-)